Tag Archives: Gadgets

My inner Geekness

r2I may not look like a geek on the outside (other opinions might differ), but I’m definitely one on the inside!  A Star Wars Geek to be specific.  I have blogged about my love for all things Star Wars in the past, and especially my R2D2 obsession (my African Pajero was even named R2).

But, imagine my joy when I came across this little treasure the other day!!! An R2D2 alarm clock!  But, not just an alarm clock….oh no!  This one actually projects the time on the wall and says little R2 wake-up sounds when it goes off.

Seriously? Who thinks of this stuff? And why can’t I have that job?


found at www.shop.starwars.com

TII #3: Snake Robot

When you are a tiny country, completely surrounded by enemies who want nothing more than to wipe you off the map, you have to come up with BRILLIANT ideas such as this…

Its a robot snake, able to get images from areas where human soldiers cannot reach. Awesome!


It seems as though the Israeli news channel wasn’t too keen on their report making it to You Tube for the world to see. Sorry, the video’s been pulled, but I swear….it was really cool!!!