Tag Archives: Rhodes

Capturing Moments: War Tactics, Old City, Rhodes

Rhodes is full of history and war; inside the old city are remnants of that time….

and now a closer look……


Capturing Moments: Old City, Rhodes

dscf1776(Someone’s thirsty)

Capturing Moments: Beach Umbrella Series, Rhodes

dscf1882dscf1899dscf1924dscf18862(in tribute to my afternoon at the beach)

Sunshine, Touring, and too many pictures to choose from…

I had such a great day today, opposite of my rainy one yesterday! The sun came out and now I see why people love Rhodes so much…its amazing here!  

I woke up early, and after breakfast headed to the Old City.  My hotel is amazingly located close to the Old City and the beach, perfect!  The Old City is a lot like that of Jerusalem except for a few things.  Its clean, quiet, organized, and you can actually breathe in fresh air.  There are still the same tourist shops everywhere, but they aren’t attacking you as you walk by.  (ok, it sounds like I hate the Old City in J-lem, but I don’t…honestly.  It’s just a refreshing break here, thats all.)

Then as I was walking along the pier I came across a 30 min. boat trip around the sea. The cool thing is that the bottom of the boat was glass, so we could see beneath us as we went along.  I decided to give it a try, and even though I didn’t see anything spectacular, it was fun!  

I also headed to the beach to check it out (tomorrow I will attempt to sun-bathe, depending on the weather) and alas…found a Starbucks on the way 🙂  

I took a million pictures and I have soooo many favorites already that I don’t know which one to post first! (Shame) I will start with this one, but don’t worry….there’s many to come!


Rain, Gloom, and Bathroom Dilemma

Its been rain and gloom since I arrived yesterday, needless to say I’ve been spending most of my time in my room…


I’ve traveled a lot over the years, so I know there are many different ways of living; but please help me out here.  How am I supposed to take a shower here….

dscf1726 without drenching everything here…






 Its a complicated issue, and requires  much skill in the showering arena.




The good news is that its supposed to clear up tomorrow, so  I can actually get out and explore the island.  After all, I have Colossus to find….. 🙂