
I guess the term, blizzard, is just too old school…. now it’s a Snowpocalypse, Snowzilla, Snowtastrophy, SnOMY etc.

It’s not just with storms and blizzards, our society has become “creative-crazed”.  We want the most creative ideas, the most creative fundraisers, the most creative brands… the most creative commercials.

With the superbowl coming up, we all know that everyone’s looking for the best and most creative commercials to keep us entertained. When I was home over Christmas I saw some commercials already prepping for the superbowl with “to be continued…..” at the end to draw us in: annoying for me because I won’t get to see the rest of the commercial, but brilliant as a creativity stunt.

So, where am I going with all this creativity???

Unfortunately not too far: you see, my creativity juices have seemed to nullify as of lately.  I love to be creative! I love new ideas, new concepts, new buzz, but I don’t know where mine’s gone…. and I just want some of it back!  Not quite sure how I’m going to do that, but until then I will just enjoy the creativity of others.

And for all of you braving the SNOWPOCALYPSE: enjoy your day off and stay warm!  Drink a cup of cocoa for me too, please!

About Maureen Hochdorf

Writer. Editor. High Techi. Non-Profit Founder. Traveler. Sports Lover. Star Wars Fanatic. Tel Aviver. Michigander.... View all posts by Maureen Hochdorf

4 responses to “Snowpocalypse?!?

  • Mom

    Ok, some of those are a little crazy but the snowzilla could apply. they say we’ve had about a foot of snow over night and it’s still snowing. should stop by noon. Bob from Dad’s work who lives down the street from us just stopped by on his snowmobile. That’s about all that’s on the road right now.

  • Joseph

    snOMY might be my favorite….You left just in time it appears as you would be sooooo stranded now.

    So as our Fluffy Flakes of Apocalypse continue to fall stateside, grab some falafel and sit back in your warm area and enjoy. Creativity is just around the corner.

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